Conducting Workshops:

1. Interactive courseware development

2. Implementing Interactive Courseware using ToolBook

3. Design and Implementation of Interactive Hypermedia Courseware

4. Introduction to the Design and Implementation of Interactive Hypermedia Courseware (using ToolBook)

5. Design and Implementation of Interactive Hypermedia Courseware

6. Design and Implementation of Interactive Hypermedia Courseware

7. Design and Implementation of Interactive Hypermedia Courseware

8. Design and development of interactive software for electronic classrooms

EDMEDIA'97, June 1997, Calgary.

9 Using Java applets in Web pages

EDMEDIA'97, June 1997, Calgary.

10. Using Java applets in Web pages (with M. Muldner)

Webnet'97, November 1997, Toronto.

11. Advanced HTML and Dynamic Web Page Creation using Javascript and CGI (with M. Muldner)

Webnet'97, November 1997, Toronto.

12. Advanced HTML and Dynamic Web Page Creation using Javascript and CGI (with M. Muldner)

Webnet'98, November 1998, Orlando.

13. Introduction to Java. Edmedia'2000, June 2000, Montreal, Canada

Guest Lecturing:

1. On semantics of parallel computations. Oxford University, Great Britain. May 1981.

2. A universal programming language with parallel computations. Dortmund University, West Germany, October 15, 1981.

3. A model for concurrent computations and its algorithmic properties. GMD, Bonn, West Germany, October 22, 1981

4. On coroutine and parallel computations.University of Stuttgart, West Germany, October 25, 1981

5. LOGLAN - a new universal programming language and its high level software tools.Technische Hochschule Aachen, West Germany, October 29, 1981

6. Semantics of parallel computations. University of Munich, West Germany, November 1, 1981

7. On new software tools. University of Kaiserslautern, West Germany, November 3, 1981

8. A memory management system for coroutine and parallel computations. Universitat des Saarlandes, Saarbrucken, West Germany, November 5, 1981

9. Semantics of parallel computations.University of Darmstadt, West Germany, November 7, 1981

10. LOGLAN and its software tools. University of Hamburg, West Germany, November 10, 1981

11. Semantic properties of block structured languages. University of Kiel, West Germany, November 13, 1981

12. LOGLAN - a new universal programming language. Aarhus University, Denmark, November 19, 1981

13. Yet another model of concurrent computations and its algorithmic properties. Aarhus University, Denmark, November 23, 1981

14. Semantic properties of block structured languages. Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, January 13, 1981

15. Memory management for coroutine and parallel computations Acadia University, January 1983

16. Pascal Made Simple. Acadia University, November 1983

17. Data Flow Languages. Acadia University, November 1985

18. Concurrent Reading While Writing. Acadia University, June 1986

19. On Keller's induction method for parallel programs. Acadia University, June 1986

20. Series of seminars on Petri Nets. Acadia University, Fall 1986

21. On Various Semantics of Concurrent Systems. Memorial University, Newfoundland. October 9, 1987

22. Syntax Directed Editing for CLARK. McMaster University, Hamilton. October 28, 1987

23. On Computational Semantics of Concurrent Systems. Western Ontario University, London, Ont. October 30, 1987

24. Automatic transformations of sequential specifications into concurrent specifications. Western Ontario University, London, Ont. October 1988

25. Early Experience from using a Sequent. Western Ontario University, London, Ont. February 1989.

26. "Computer based Teaching Computer Science", Concordia University, April 1992.

27. "Courseware production, Hall University, Quebec, Spring 1994.

28. "Neat", Genova, Italy, Summer 1990.

29 "Transformations of Sequenetial specifications" Rome, Italy, Summer 1990.

30. "Computer Based Teaching", Heerlen, Holland, Summer 1990.

31. "Corba" Dalhousie University, Halifax, Canada, Fall 1997.

32. "Computer Based Teaching" Fairfield, Connecticut, Fall 1997.

33. Mobile Computing at Acadia University, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, October, 1998,

34. Mobile Agents, Fall 1998, Acadia University.

35. Algorithm to explain algorithms. Fall 2003, Acadia University

36. Internationalized Websites: Webpages that can "speak many languages". Winter 2003, Acadia University.

37. XML Design Patterns, Winter 2004, Acadia University

38. XML Data Compression, Winter 2004, Acadia University

39. Some Aspects of XML. Summer 2005, Saarbruecken University, Germany

40. Encrypting XML Data, Spring 2006, Warsaw University, Poland

41. Access Control Policies for Fragments of XML Documents in P2P Environments, September 2006, Acadia University

42.  Role-based Schema-level Access Control Policies, Nov. 07. Acadia University.

43. Key generation for Schema-level Access Control Policies. Oct 07. University of Ottawa.

44.  XSAQCT (XML Schema-Aware Queryable Compression Technique). April 08. Acadia University.

45.  XML Data Security, Summer 2008, Saarbruecken University, Germany

46.  Parallel Programming Renewed with Multi-core Computers and Threading Building Blocks, Jan. 09. Acadia University.