COMP 1113X2 - Computer Programming 1

Course Outline, Fall, 2010-2011


Section Name Home Page Email Office Office Hours
X Rick Giles CAR 314 In Car 314: M, W 10:30-11:30
In ACORN Teacher's Office: T, Th 10:30-11:30

Required text: "Java Concepts", sixth edition with WileyPLUS by Horstmann. The WileyPLUS page contains notes, additional content, labs, and other text resources.

Course Management System: ACORN. Use your Acadia network username and password to access ACORN.


Grading scheme:

The final grade will be computed as: Assignments=30% + Labs=5% + 1 Test=20% + Final exam=45%

The final grade will also be computed as: Assignments=30% + Labs=5% + Final exam=65%

The higher of the two final grades will be recorded, so poor performance on the test can be made up on the exam.


Assignments will be announced on ACORN.

Assignments will be submitted electronically by the due time specified on the assignment. No late assignments will be accepted.

You may discuss assignments with fellow students. But, remember not to share solutions. The work you submit must be your own.

Test Date: Tuesday, October 26, 19:00 to 21:00.

Disability Statement: If you are a student with a documented disability who anticipates needing accommodations in this class, please inform me after you meet with Jill Davies or Suzanne Robicheau in Disability/Access Services, in the Student Resource Centre, lower floor of the old SUB. 585-1127 or 585-1913.

Cheating: Cheating and plagiarism as defined in the "Academic Integrity" section of the University Calendar is strictly prohibited. Some forms of cheating are:

  1. copying someone else's answer
  2. stealing, borrowing, or lending a source code
  3. fabricating program output

Under no circumstances may you share assignment files with other students. It is inappropriate to copy solutions or portions of solutions from other sources including the Internet, other textbooks, and other students.

Cheating in any form will not be tolerated and will be penalized. The minimum penalty for cheating on an assignment or other work is to receive -100% for the work. A student found to be cheating on any work will receive a course grade that is at most 70% (B-). This penalty will be applied to all students involved in a cheating incident, including a student who gives their work to another student. Additionally, all instances of cheating will be reported to the Director of the School and to the University Registrar.

Email Etiquette:

Prepared by R. Giles - Last updated 2010-09-02

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